If you live/work close enough to Weston to pop in for a chat
This is much preferred. I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday though I am sometimes off for school holidays. Please message or call before travelling to check I'm in!
Please bring any reference with you PRINTED OUT or message me with it beforehand so I have a copy.
If you just drop in I'll stop if I can for a chat. If its complex we can arrange a time for you to pop in for a proper, unrushed consultation. I have the internet at the studio so I can sit and work out ideas with you if needed.
If you are some distance away, please message in the first instance
Please message ideas through my Facebook page here. or Whatsapp me on 07809 424142. I will pick up messages daily where possible but not instantly. If you haven't heard back within 48 hours, by all means remind me.
Please also tell us where on the body you want it, whether its left or right, how big in cm/inches high by wide and whether you want colour, black and grey etc
If there is a cover up of an old tattoo or scars, please send a CLEAR picture of this too, thanks!
Once there is a clear idea of a plan, I will take a deposit and draw something up for you, if that's appropriate. Sometimes with portraits there is no pre-drawing as its just a transfer applied directly to the skin. Deposits are non-refundable. 50% deposits are required for all appointment bookings.
Waiting lists
Contrary to rumour, I'm NOT booked up months in advance. It varies but its typically 2-4 weeks. Fridays booked up quickest, Tuesdays are quietest.
Deposits can be dropped off in CASH or by Card or done securely online if you're unable to pop in.
Balance payments on the day are strictly CASH or CARD.